Ancora Heart Announces Key Activities for Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2019

Interim study results will be presented on systolic heart failure patients treated with percutaneous therapy designed to improve left ventricular function

Santa Clara, Calif.–September 16, 2019–Ancora Heart, Inc., a company developing a novel therapy to address heart failure, today announced the company’s key activities at the 31st Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), the annual scientific symposium of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation in San Francisco.

An interim analysis will be presented on patients treated in a U.S. early feasibility study evaluating the safety of the investigational AccuCinch® Ventricular Repair System designed for the treatment of systolic heart failure.

Ancora Heart’s primary TCT conference activities include:

Wednesday, September 25

Friday, September 27

Saturday, September 28

The transcatheter AccuCinch therapy is designed to complement and enhance the existing care cardiologists provide to further manage symptoms and slow, or stop, the progression of heart failure. For some patients, AccuCinch may have the potential to reverse the enlargement of the left ventricle. For patients where heart failure has progressed beyond the ability for medications and pacemakers to manage symptoms, non-surgical percutaneous device therapy with AccuCinch may provide an effective treatment option. The AccuCinch system is designed to directly repair the left ventricle of the heart, thereby addressing the fundamental issue in the progression of systolic heart failure.

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